Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Random Thoughts for your Holiday Enjoyment

So I went out to run a few errands today and saw some random things so I thought I should share them with you. Believe it or not I took notes so I wouldn't forget. So here is what I got for you:
  • Why is it impossible to sleep in when you are on vacation, but any day I have to work I can't roll my butt out of bed early enough?
  • Thinks it is nice that I was out today (two days before Christmas) shopping and only wearing a sweatshirt and was not cold. Makes me happy to not have wear a bulky coat when going in and out of stores.
  • I was driving through the Wal-Mart parking lot and saw a guy that was collecting all the carts that was approximately 55 years old wearing a bright pink scarf on his head with an even brighter pink cowgirl hat. There may have been fur and rhinestones on the hat as well.
  • Why is it that when your feet are cold if you just change your socks they get warmer. Were the socks cold? Maybe no one else does this.
  • Why would you ever buy a jar of pickled watermelon rind?
  • Not sure if your grocery store has pre-made cheese balls, but my Hy-Vee does. Typically I like to buy one every once in awhile for a party. Well I recently was a the store and saw they have made the cheese balls, but put food coloring in them and made them into the shape of Santa, a tree and the best was the wreath. The wreath was decorated with candy corn (I assume left over from Halloween).
  • In the frozen food section I saw and tube of frozen creamed corn. Like you know how you buy frozen sausage. Just found that a little odd.
  • So I have been making banana bread as I mentioned in my previous post. I have been defrosting the bananas in my microwave. Well today I warmed up left over pizza and it tasted like bananas. Not sure if that was from the microwave or the fact that the bananas have been in the freezer and the smell made it to the refrigerator and into the pizza box.

That's all I have for now. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Much Anticipated Break

I have been looking forward to this week for at least a month if not longer. I have the week off from work and have no true plans prior to Christmas. I mean I have things I'm going to do, but they are fun and cause I want to do them. I have finished my Christmas shopping so I don't have to go shopping, but I have been going to a few stores here and there and just looking. If I find something I think I need I pick it up or I just leave. I have baked one loaf of banana bread and have a couple more to bake. Thanks to the fact that I'm notorious for buying bananas and not eating all of them before they get too ripe. My freezer is full of bananas. I'm going to spend time with friends just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

I may be crazy but I will be helping two of my great friends, Sara and Kyle, by watching their girls on Wednesday Night. They have an 18 month old girls and twin girls that are just over 2 months. No fear I won't be there alone I will have back up. It is Sara's bday and a Christmas present for them to get out alone with no kids.

So the first half of my week is relaxing and doing my own thing when I want and how I want. The second half will be celebrating Christmas with the family. I will spend most of the weekend in Liberty. We will go to church on Christmas Eve service at my parents church in Liberty. I may go to service at my church prior to heading Liberty. Christmas day is going to low key for us. That morning we will have Christmas with my parents, Amy and me. Then we will head to my Aunts for the day with her family. Sara, Eric, Troy and McKenna will not come to Liberty until the evening of Christmas. So I think we will do Christmas with them on Saturday. Then Sunday we have a bday party for Troy in Liberty. Then back to work on Monday.

Since I got my claims under control before I left for vacation I'm hoping that after the holidays I won't have to work as long of hours. This could be a dream on my part, but things were starting to settle down for everyone before I left. So there is seeming to be a light at the end of our long tunnel.

On New Year's Day mom and I are going to drive to STL for the weekend to see everyone there for the weekend and celebrate Troy's bday again with his friends. Should be a fun trip.

Then I'm looking forward to the first week of February when I will get on a big boat again with my friend Leslie and go on a cruise. I'm pretty excited about this trip and the warmth that will come with the trip.

I hope you and your families have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving and Random Thoughts

So every year this time I like to take a moment to reflect on what I'm thankful for from the past year. I think every year looks about the same, so this year I may give you some random thoughts also.

  • So it may be crazy to say, but I'm thankful for my job. Even though I'm working 12 hour days I really am enjoying the people I'm working with and what I'm doing at this time in my life. Through this time I have learned a lot for myself. I have learned that stressing over the small stuff is not worth the stress. I have also learned that perfection is impossible and I can only do my best and that is going to have to be good enough. I heard myself apologizing today that I couldn't work more than 12 hours a day. Then I realized that was maybe the craziest thing I have ever said.
  • I am always thankful for my family. This year I'm thankful for our addition McKenna Elaine and our growing Troy. They are both so much fun. Wish we lived closer together, but we cherish our time together since we don't see each other as often as we would like.
  • I have some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for. I am really thankful that Tiffany and Ryan have moved back to KS. It has been great to be in close proximity. Really praying for a soon and easy arrival of the addition of baby Classen.
  • I'm thankful for a roof over my head, but I may go crazy tonight if my neighbors bass doesn't stop pumping before I decide to go to bed. I may have to communicate through stomping on the floor again tonight. So random thought about my neighbors for the past month or so I have heard a baby crying in the middle of the night coming from their place. So here is the weird part of this story, I have never once seen a baby come in or out of the house. The girl that lives there has not been pregnant and neither of the cars have a car seat. The crying is not like the baby is not okay just a normal baby cry. I just think it is weird. I mean there is always someone home when I hear the baby so I guess no big deal. Just weird.
  • I'm thankful for my desire and excitement to have healthier life. I never thought I would say this but I actual am enjoying exercising.
  • So this blog has been taking me a really long time to write. I'm just not really focused. (random thought for you there).

Well that is all my brain can take at this moment. More later. I have 4 days off work so hopefully in a couple of days I will be able to have a complete thought.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Great Weekend

I had one of the best weekends I have had in quite sometime (I guess since KG weekend). I left work on Friday before the sun set. I can not tell you the last time I did that. I headed straight to Lawrence to hang with Tiffany. It was so good to spend time just relaxing, eating good food, watching a good movie and being with a great friend.

Saturday I went with the PEO ladies to the WWI Museum in KC at the Liberty Memorial. I know I have lived in KC my entire life, but I don't think I have ever actually been up to the Liberty Memorial. There is a lot to see in the museum pretty good history lesson. I then came home and started cleaning. When I say cleaning I mean true top to bottom cleaning of my house. I took 2 large trash bags from my upstairs alone. I scrubbed the bathtub. Organized my room and a little of the loft. Then I started on the living room. More trash was purged in the living room and cleaning. Then I crashed for the night.

Sunday I went to church and worship was great. I love my church and church family. I am so blessed to have them. Then back home to tackle the kitchen. I left the kitchen for a day to itself as I knew I had a ton of purging to complete there. I am embarrassed to admit that I have 3 trash bags of old, expired food that I'm throwing away. I reorganized my cupboards, including my tupperware. I had a lot of old mail that needed to be shredded. Did a little clean up in the laundry area. Then swept and mopped the kitchen floor.

It feels so great to be starting the week fresh and clean. Not sure how I let the place get in such disarray, but to have it back to a fresh start is so relieving. I really needed to do this as I'm trying to get so much of life back in order. I have heard more than one person say that your house is a reflection of your life. Well, my life was feeling really scattered and my house got that way too.

Looking forward to a week that I may not have to work a lot of OT as I have training for 3 days. I'm having some girlfriends over on Friday night for a little party. If you are in the area and want to come feel free. I am having a Tastefully Simple Consultant here, they sell food stuff. Yummy stuff. There will be beverages and food samples.

Have a great week.

Friday, November 6, 2009

What happens when you work too much?

These past few weeks I have been working over 50 hours a week including Saturdays. So here I am at 9:40 pm on Friday night really excited to just be home tomorrow. I really need to clean house, get caught up on my DVR and just take some me time. So instead of random thoughts I thought I would post about what happens when you work too much. So here goes nothing...

  • You don't update your blog for over a month.
  • You fall to the bottom of Tiff's Blog Roll.
  • You have to decide what you really want to watch on the DVR cause all your shows stack up and you have to delete something before you have time to watch the shows.
  • I have found myself staying up later than normal cause it takes time for me to wind down after I get home.
  • Chloe is about to find a new mom. I don't spend time cuddling with her and cleaning the litter box is not a top priority.
  • I forgot to eat dinner last night cause I was so focused on cooking chili for work today that I forgot to eat.
  • I have to call someone on my drive home. Even though it is a short drive home I need something to keep me focused so I don't fall asleep on the way home.
  • I have realized how important it is to get ready in the morning as fast a possible so I can lay in bed longer.
  • The OT pay will be nice, but not sure what to do with it since I'm working so much.
  • My patience is much thinner at work. So I sit at my desk with my Ipod in one ear and my phone headset on the other ear. I do this even when I'm not on the phone to block out all the sound around me.

Well I had a lot more things I was going to say, but I don't remember them. I'm exhausted and think I'm going to sleep.

So now that I'm awake and refreshed thought I would add more to my blog.

  • I have not been in touch with friends and family like I normally am since I'm so out of it.
  • I owe some of my good friends emails I will try and get to that today.
  • I miss my normal schedule for the weekends of grocery shopping, relaxing and spending time with friends.
  • I have not been able to focus on commitments I have made away from work such as some project at church.

Now I guess I should mention what is good about working so much:

  • OT pay right before Christmas.
  • Developing relationships with friends at work. I used to spend 8 hours a day with them but now it is more like 10 or 11.
  • I haven't had as much lazy time at home to just sit on my rump and eat.
  • I have been able to focus on my new lifestyle change and been successful at making a healthier life for myself.

Well, I now have my whole Saturday ahead of me. So we will see what happens.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well time for some random thoughts. I haven't even been thinking of any to put on here so this could be the most random list I have ever posted. Read at your own risk.
  • I love reading others blogs, but feel my life is so boring I have nothing to blog about. Hence the reason I don't update often.
  • I hate it when I start laundry and then forget it is in the washer until I go and start another load. Then I have to rewash the load that is in the washer as I don't know how long it has been in there and it smells like mildew.
  • Sometimes during the day when I'm sitting at my desk at work someone will walk by and the entire floor will vibrate underneath me. I get the same feeling I get when I'm sitting in my car on a bridge. I don't have a lot of major fears in life, but thinking the floor is going to collapse around me is one. I wonder if they will let me move my desk to the first floor?
  • I ate a caramel apple today for the first time in years. I mean I have bought that caramel dip at the grocery store, but this was a real caramel apple. It was a party gift from the wedding I went to this weekend and it was on a stick with nuts. So yummy.
  • I went to pull my trash can back up the drive way last week and somehow the rod holding the wheels was at a 90 degree angle. I am at a loss as to how this happened. I'm also wondering how do you get the trash guys to actually take the trash can? Do I have to put a sign on it like I do at work that says "Trash/Basura?"
  • I got to "met" Richard Blais from Top Chef last week. Don't be jealous.
  • So Halloween is not my fave holiday and this year I have a charity event that night. They tell me it is a Masquerade Ball. Does that mean I wear a nice dress with a little mask or a true costume. Really the person hosting it is my very good friend so I will ask her before the event.
  • So I had this wedding to go to this weekend and I actually decided what to wear based on the shoes I wanted to wear. The wedding was at 1 and the reception at 6 so I knew they had to be comfortable.
  • I'm loving that I have had my windows open so long that I don't remember how long it has been. I was even chilly when I went outside for lunch today.
  • It makes me happy when you call a call center and actually get ahold of someone that is helpful and does what you need them to do and owns everything that you may have problems with.

That's all I got for now. Hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I know you all have been checking daily and sitting on the edges of your seats waiting for a blog post from me. Well, this may not be what you were looking for or expected from me. It will be kinda like a random thoughts, but a little different. I haven't been driving as much for work, so not as many random thoughts. Those of you close to me may want to grab you Kleenex if you are of the crying type (Sara that was for you)

As most of you know my grandpa died on August 15. You may also know this was my birthday also. So both of my grandfathers have passed away on my bday. I know have no living grandparents. Today I went with my dad to Chillicothe today for my grandpa's memorial service at The Baptist Home. As I was riding I began to think about what I could blog about and decided it would be a great place to reflect on the little things I remember and miss about my grandparents. If I were really up on things I would post pics also, but sorry that requires me to scan them in and then upload them.

  • I loved that 90% of the time I knew exactly where to find him right when I walked in their house. Sitting on the "porch" in the gorgeous green recliner. Then it was even better when the green recliner moved to the basement in our house. I would go and watch TV in the basement just so I could sit in that chair.
  • Bread, butter and brown sugar sandwiches
  • He would always ask at dinner "What did you learn today?" He didn't care how minor it was he just thought we needed to learn something everyday.
  • Speaking of dinner he would never allow us to eat in our swimsuits. Some of are you are wondering why this would be an issue, well they had a pool in the back yard.
  • Grandaddy cookies - enough said


  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cookies
  • She sent care packages of cookies to me at college for the first 2 months before she passed away. Later we found a book that she kept a list of what she sent so she didn't send the same thing each time. Well except for the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cookies cause she knew I loved those.
  • Whenever we would go to the mall with her she would take us to eat at In A Tub. For those of you that don't know In A Tub it is fast food mexican that is so greasy it is good. It was so good and bad for you at the same time.
  • I went with her and some of her friends to Arizona when I was in high school. Some great memories came from that trip. We stayed in a very nice hotel with a stocked fridge. She told me to eat or drink anything from there. Little did I know at that age how much that stuff cost.
  • The snack closet......enough said


  • Grandma always wore these great sweatshirts that only a sweet little grandma can get away with. They had all those great sayings about how wonderful being a grandma was. So cute. Some even had collars on them that I'm pretty sure she sewed on them
  • She made the best ham sandwiches. She would cut the ham into little cubes and then put butter on the bread. They made you happy when you ate them.
  • She was the queen of jello. She would make any flavor you may want. But the best was her layered jello. She would do whatever colors went with the holiday we were celebrating. Such as red, white and green for Christmas.
  • Her lemonade was so yummy. Not sure how she did it, but I think it was the frozen concentrate and she didn't add enough water. It was so rich.
  • Sourdough Bread....enough said


  • He made me a storage box for all my architecture supplies for the time I was in studio. It made me proud to use it. My dad now has it in his basement, at least he did.
  • If you ever needed a rubber band you just needed to go to him. He had hundreds of them stored on his gear shift and blinker in the truck.
  • One quote I will always remember him saying, and I know this sounds horrible, but if you knew his sense of humor you would understand. He would always say "I'm deteriorating on schedule"
  • He was one of the funniest people I knew and had a very dry sense of humor. I probably inherited this from him
  • Oberkrom ears....enough said

So maybe this was more of a blog for me, but I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Changes Ahead

I have been holding off on a post as I was hoping to post some exciting news. First of all I am on vacation all next week. It is the best kind of vacation, I'm going no where. I'm going to get some stuff done around the house and relax. Sara and the kids are in town so I will spend some time with them. Also Tiffany and Ryan are getting moved in this week so I plan to spend some time with her.

The biggest change is what is happening after my vacation. I have a new applied for and received a new position at Farmers. I will start on August 3. It is back in the office I came from when I transferred to the field. It will be a little different than what I did before, but I won't bore you with the details. I'm excited for some change and to be working in an office and off of roofs. There are some perks of my current job I'm going to miss such as: my laptop, company car, GPS, company paid internet at home. I'm excited as some of my good friends are still in that office so I will get to see them more often. As I will be back in the office I will have a more consistent schedule so I will make sure I bring my lunch so more control on what I eat. Also I won't be so exhausted at the end of the day so I will not dread exercising. One of my good friends is going to be in my training class so I'm excited about that also.

Things are looking up for me. I hope they are for you also.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love Long Weekends

Not sure how else to put it except that I love to have a long weekend and to have an extra day to do what I want. I have had a couple of those this past month. Last weekend I had Friday off to just do some things that needed to get done. This past weekend I went to St. Louis with my mom to see Sara, Eric, Troy and McKenna. Good times were had by all. We got there late on Thursday night. We went to the zoo on Friday which is always fun. Since the STL Zoo is free you don't feel like you have to see everything every time you go. Saturday we went out to breakfast and then celebrated the 4th with Sara's neighbors. Talk about a spectacular fireworks show. It was so great. We got up and came home this morning. Mom and I got about 45 mins away from their house then got a call that mom had left her computer at their house. So we turned around and met Eric halfway so we didn't have go all the way back. So needless to say it was bit longer drive, but no biggie. I'm now home and relaxing on the couch updating the blog (as if you didn't already know that)

Mom and I stopped for dinner at this Subway in the truck stop. Tiffany and I decided years ago on a road trip to OK that you can put a Subway in anywhere as they don't need a special looking building to make you know it is Subway. So this one was in the truck stop. When you walk in it was in the most random place in the gas station and looked as if they just set it up for the day. They only had a small display of chips and the soda fountain was no where to be seen, but found it anyway. They had about 3 tables with only a couple of chairs right near the counter. They were taken at the time. So we wandered around to find another place to sit. We found the TV Lounge and thought that we could do that, but once again one table and someone was sitting there and smoking. So our last resort was this random room that had 2 tables and 3 chairs. There was a large ashtray (when I say large it was the same size as my head) at one of the tables. So we sat at the other table. While we were sitting there I look up and the walls are covered in bright blue carpet. It was rather random. Wish I would have thought to take a picture while I was in there, but didn't. So that was our fun adventure on the way to STL.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Great Night and Random Thoughts

So it was a perfect Friday night for me. I was craving chicken salad so I went to Panera and got a sandwich to go. I loaded up the blankets in the car with my book and headed to Shawnee Mission Park to eat, read, enjoy the weather and relax. It was amazing. I didn't last as long as I would have liked as there was a teenagers bday party that started near my location and they got a bit loud and annoying. So I then headed to run a couple of errands and now I'm back at home relaxing and considering bed after I post this, that would put me in bed before 10 on a Friday.

So on my drive to the park and while I was there I had many random thoughts. I was wishing I had my computer or at least a pen to write them down to share with you. Here is what I remember:
  • Why in the world are there random shoes on the side of the road? I mean where is the other shoe? How did that one shoe get there? I just have never understood this phenomenon.
  • Now that it is getting warmer outside and I have been on more roofs during the day I have been really desiring my own private pool to go to again. I realize most of you are like, "when did you ever have you own private pool?" While those in my family are saying "Yes, I would love to have Nanny and Grandaddy's pool to go to also." It would be so nice to come home and just relax by the pool and not have to worry about who might see me and how much I have to pack to take there.
  • Why is it so impossible to not pop a blister when you have one? Again this goes back to hot roofs. I have been forgetting to take my gloves on the roof and the shingles are so hot and I burn my hands and then I get a blister. So I messed with the one on my thumb all night until I couldn't resist and popped it. I know you wanted all those details.
  • I think I saw a stork (OK, really a crane of some sort) at Shawnee Mission Park. Random bird for me to see in KS I thought.
  • Speaking of birds, today as I was driving back to KC from St. Joe I saw a bird flying towards me and all of the sudden it hit my hood. I look in the rear view mirror and there it was laying in the road. Sad times for a bird. I even think it was a blue jay. Which makes it kinda ironic since our mascot in high school was the blue jay.
  • While I was working this week in Kansas City, KS I saw a bumper sticker that said "Kansas City, KS is not for amateurs!!"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time for a break

So I decided today that it is time for my spring break. I know that it is mid May, but those of us in the corporate world don't get and a company given spring break. I think it is something that we all need to refresh and restart our tanks. So I have decided to take a few days off around this weekend. I'm going to St. Louis with my parents to see Troy, McKenna, Sara and Eric. I'm excited o spend some time with the family and to see the kiddos. Then we are returning on Sunday and I can't wait to see the Desparate Housewives season finale. I decided today to take Monday and Tuesday off to just spend some time around town. Not sure what I will do, maybe spend some time with some great friends or possibly just relax.

I enjoyed the downpour or rain we got this afternoon just in time for me to pull in the garage. I'm glad it is starting to cool off a bit as it got a little humid before the rain. As long as there is no hail or lots of wind I will take the rain and thunder.

So I hope you all got to have some sort of break this spring to restart and refresh.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Story of my life overdue for an update and at the bottom of Tiff's list. (Tiff you are getting to the bottom of mine. ha ha)

So I have been thinking this week about why I love spring so much. I mean really it is just a change in weather, but why is it so wonderful. Here are my thoughts on the greatness of spring. I love watching things come to life again; the grass turns greener, the flowers bloom and trees bud. For me it is exciting cause I never remember what may grow in my garden as what survives the winter is always a nice surprise. I love the smell of cut grass and listening to others mow their grass. It makes me happy to turn off the heat and not have to turn on the AC yet. We are able to open the windows and listen to the birds and life outside. Chloe also loves the open windows. I love going to the store and getting fresh produce and even more fun to go to the farmers market when I have cash to see what bargains they may have that week. I am blessed to have a job that I don't sit at a desk all day dreaming of being outside. I get to go and enjoy the weather, even if that means just driving from claim to claim. The best days are when it is not too windy and I get to climb on a not so steep roof.

Along with that are a few things that aren't my favorite. As much as I love the smell of cut grass and others mowing I don't enjoy mowing myself or doing other yard work. As I mentioned before the wind is not a friend of mine. My friend Leslie calls this time Blow Season. I have to agree with her. There is no reason to get my hair right in the morning as it will be a mess right when I walk outside. Along with spring comes a list of to dos around the house. Not sure why spring this on, but it does. I guess along with the fresh start and such. This spring I need to get the exterior of my house painted. Any takers? I also have a dumb woodpecker in my neighborhood that enjoys doing his business on my metal chimney flue cap. This vibrates throughout the entire flue and so annoying. I guess this is better than him messing up my house.

I hope you all are enjoying spring along with me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

63 Things

So I know I'm overdue for a post (story of my life). I just haven't had anything to say. I saw this on someone's Facebook and it was a lot of different questions and thought it was fun. So since I'm on the couch watching reality TV I thought I would do this for you all.

1. Song that always makes you sad?I Miss the Way - Michael W. Smith
2. Last thing you bought?cards and gift bags at Target
3. Last person you argued with?I'm not sure, as most of you know, I'm pretty passive.
4. Do you put Peanut Butter before putting the jelly on? yes.
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?I don't recall names, but I still sleep with a stuffed dog that Aunt Betty and Aunt Martha got for me many years ago. It was from Bob's IGA, so that sets the age for you.
6. Did you ever own at one time a NSync Cd? Do I really need to answer this? I had floor seats to the concert.
7. Favorite day of the week?Saturday
8. Favorite Sundae topping?Chocolate Sauce
9. Did you take Piano lessons?Yes
10. Most frequent song played?The most frequent I play? Whatever is on the radio.
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?Keeping up with the Kardashian's
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?Well, you can all guess that basketball wouldn't be my choice. I love to watch hockey, so possibly it would be fun to play.
13. Date someone older or younger?I would take a date yes.
14. One place if you could travel right now?Warmth, sun and sand. I'm not picky
15. Do you use umbrellas?Not really. Too much work. I will just run or at least jog.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem? O, Canada... That is as far as I can go.
17. Favorite Cheese?Mild Cheddar cheese
18. Disturbed or My Chemical Romance?Huh?
19. Do you prefer rain or shine?Shine on!
20. Best job you ever had?The summer I worked at Time Warner Cable. I'm not sure what I did there, but they paid me to work 40 hours a week for 3 months. I mean I really don't know what I did besides watch other people work for 3 months.
21. Did you go to your high school prom?Yes, it was somewhat traumatizing
22. Perfect time to wake up?9:30 or later
23. Perfect time to go to bed?10:30
24. Do you use your queen right away in chess?I don't think so.
25.Ever been in a car accident?Yep. However, my cars have been in more wrecks than me.
26. Closer to mom or dad...or neither?Both in different ways
27. What has been your favorite age so far? I liked 28-29
28. What decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?I enjoyed the 90s. I was able to wear baggy clothes and that was in style. I would never make it as a teenager now days.
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?I should probably say the silver LA Gear shoes my mom drove me all over KC to find a pair in my size. I NEEDED THEM TO SURVIVE.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? I'm sure I do. Most of my T-shirts from high school are cut up in a quilt on my bed.
31. Were you in track and field? Ha Ha, that may the be the funniest question on here
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?Yes, in elementary school. We practiced being frying bacon for hours.
33. Have you ever written in a library book? not that I recall
34. What are you allergic to? Codine
35. Favorite fruit?Strawberries and blueberries
36. Have you watched sex and the city?Yep, still watch the reruns
37. Baseball hat or toque? Don't really wear things on my head, but probably baseball hat
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?Shampoo
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?Wet.
40. Pen or pencil? medium point ballpoint pen
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?Yes. The best was when Tara and I played the penny slots and had no idea what we were doing. I put in a dollar and cashed out at $1.30. I made 30% that day.
42. Have you thrown up on a plane?No.
43. Have you thrown up in a car?Yes. I was so inconspicuous that the kids in the back of the van had no idea that it happened.
44. Have you thrown up at work? nope
45. Do you scream on roller coasters? yes
46. Who was your first prom date? do we have to go back to this again. I don't remember his name, it was a blind date.
47. Who was your first roommate? Erika.
48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time?I'm going to guess it was Jack Daniels Country Time Cooler of some flavor
49. What was your first job?Working at Clay County Title filing.
50. What was your first car? 1985 Red Mustang Convertible, many great memories in that car
51. When did you go to your first funeral?I'm not sure, may have been my granddad's. That was before my freshman year in high school
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?19
53. Who was your first grade teacher?Mrs. Froman
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?Orlando
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?I think I was too afraid to sneak out. I did sneak people in.
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?Jennifer Skinner, yes we are still friends.
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house?West Hall at K-State
58.Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?Mom
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?Michaela's
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning?figure out how many times I can hit snooze
61. What was the first concert you attended?Debbie Gibson
62. First tattoo or piercing?My ears, only piercing I have
63. First celebrity crush?Probably New Kids on the Block.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

May not be interesting to most of you

So I started this blog 5 minutes ago and just now started typing. I know I'm past due on an update but not sure what to write about. So as I sit here and flip between two reality shows I have decided that it seems to be that is all I watch these days. So, I'm thought I would enlighten you all as to what I watch and why I enjoy the shows. Really I'm doing this to help myself figure out what I watch and why and you all get to hear about them all. I will include shows that are on now and ones that may not be showing at this time, but I watch when they are showing. I'm sure I will forget some shows. I'm going to also make some confessions here that I never have before this time. Please don't hold it against me. Thanks to DVR I can watch these whenever I want and don't have stop my life for them. I will also say that on all the shows that you call into vote on I never vote.

The Amazing Race - This is one of my faves. What I love about it is there seems to be more of a challenge and a point to this show. I guess if you consider winning $1M a point. If I were more in shape I would love to be on this show as I love to travel.

Keeping up with the Kardashians - This is one of the confessions. This show is kinda like a train wreck you can't turn it off. This is one of the shows that makes me feel better about my life. I also enjoying seeing how much they love their family and stick up for each other.

The Bachelor/ette - So I know we are all sick of hearing about this past season, but I love this show. I think it has to do with being a girl and the little bit of romantic side I have in me. I guess I think I can live vicariously through these folks. I know I could never be on this show cause I don't share well (when it comes to dating) and I don't open up my feelings fast enough to make it very far.

Dancing with the Stars - This show is great to me. I love to see how they grow and learn over time. As most of you know me you know I have no rhythm so again living vicariously through others. I also really like it when some of my blast from the past celebrities are on the show. My faves are obviously 'NSync members.

Little People, Big World - If you don't know this show it is about a family that the parents are dwarfs and they have 3 average size children and one dwarf child. They are amazing for me to watch and see how they overcome challenges. It is also very entertaining.

Jon and Kate Plus 8 - I just love the kids on this show. They are so great. I also really enjoy Jon and Kate. I know some people don't like the way Jon and Kate argue or bicker in front of the camera and kids. I totally get what they do and their relationship is so real. I also don't believe they take anything they have for granted.

The Hills/The City - Okay these are another fave of mine. It is on MTV for those of you that are familiar with the shows. The drama is again like a train wreck that you can't quit watching. I hear the next season of The Hills is the final season and that is very sad to me. I'm going to miss Lauren and LO.

So as I'm writing this I realize this is turning out to be more revealing than I thought it was going to be when I first began. I mean I'm only through Monday and already to 9 shows if you count the combo shows.

The Biggest Loser - This show is so inspiring to me. I can't say that it has made me get off the couch and totally change my lifestyle yet, but I am more aware what is going on when the show is in season. I also realized I reached a whole new place in life when I was on the verge of being eligible to be on the show. I'm currently watching this as I type. Lots of drama tonight, but it was real.

American Idol - I will admit it has been hard for me to get into this season. I have been taping and FF through most of the episodes. We will see what it is like since we are finally down to the final 13 and the real competition begins.

Real Housewives of ... (many places) - I will say that Orange County is my fave of the 3 shows. I didn't watch much of Atlanta it was a bit over the top for me. Again not sure why I watch it, but I can't turn it off and can't miss it ever.

Top Chef - This past season just ended and I could be happier for Hosea to win. I think that this is my fave show of all the cooking contests shows I watch. The contestants seem a little more real and they focus on their cooking rather than running the restaurant.

America's Next Top Model - I missed the season premier last week. I think it is kinda interesting that I like this show since I'm not much of a shopper or model in any sort of the word.

Hell's Kitchen - I like this show also. Again I think I like it cause it seems to have a real goal to strive for at the end. They are competing to run a restaurant.

There are other shows that I watch that I can't remember what day they show as they aren't on currently.

Design Star - I like to watch this cause my mom and sister both watch it so we can watch it together if we are near each other or we can at least talk about the outcome. So a bonding time for us.

Project Runway - First of all I love to listen to Heidi Klum talk. Secondly, I love Tim Gunn. Lastly, it is just amazing to me that they can sew entire outfits. I still have to take my pants to mom my to hem them.

Sadly, I know there are probably other shows that I watch, but that is all I can think of at this time. Not really sure what the point of all this was, but I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my life. I also watch some other show regularly, but only 3 (Grey's, ER and Desperate Housewives.)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Will spring come and stay?

So I know I haven't really posted anything about my life in sometime, so here I am back to post some random thoughts and such. I hope you enjoy.
  • I'm sitting in the library and freezing cause the only tables with outlets next to them are right next to the windows. At least the ones I could find.
  • I'm getting back in the swing of working claims at work and not supervising. I was on 5 roofs this past week.
  • I'm kinda sick of the flip flopping of the weather. If it is going to be winter then stay winter or just let spring come and stay. I prefer the later.
  • Leslie and I have booked the cruise for next year. Can we go tomorrow?
  • I have been seeing and talking to some old friends a lot more recently and really enjoying the friendships we have maintained for many, many years.
  • I think I mentioned this before, but it has become even more apparent this week. I will not be moving to Wichita. At least not anytime that I can see. If I do it will be a very big surprise. Sorry for all the confusion. This has been really crazy and hard for me. As many of you know how I am and that I like a plan and to plan ahead. I have really learned to be flexible and patient in this time. So, it was good for me. I will say that I'm sad I won't be having a new beginning, I'm happy to stay here in KC with my family and friends.
  • Since I have been back climbing on roofs I have realized how out of shape I am. I forgot how much strength I needed in my legs to climb up the roofs.
  • As, I mentioned I'm sitting in the library. I recently looked up and saw that I'm sitting right near the following sections: Women, Minorities, Terrorism, Espionage and Personal Finance. I find it interesting all the sections are near each other. Even more interesting that we have a section for Terrorism. I mean are we teaching people how to be terrorists?
  • Going with the above topic have you seen the commercials for the Boarder Patrol reality show. I will be the first to admit I love reality shows, but seriously lets just show how the Boarder Patrol works. It is like when someone bombs a place they tell on the news how they made the bomb. OK off my soapbox.
  • I'm really looking forward to next weekend as I'm planning on seeing friends that have moved away and are going to be in town. Even if it will only be for short visits.
  • After watching 20/20 Children of the Mountains last night it made my heart break for all the kids and the poverty in Appalachia Mountains. We went there twice in high school on a mission trip and worked with the kids that lived in the coal mining areas. Those kids are some of the sweetest and are just happy to have life.

I guess that is all for now. I hope you all are doing well and have enjoyed my random thoughts and a couple of rants.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Mckenna was released from the hospital on Thursday afternoon. They are currently at my parents. Mckenna, Sara and Eric will head back to St. Louis on Friday evening. Mom will go that way with Troy early next week. Troy is doing very well with Mckenna and wants to help take care of her and make sure she is getting all she needs. He is very gentle with her and gives her kisses. Thanks for all of you support and prayers.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mckenna Elaine Walton

Mckenna Elaine Walton was born January 30, 2009 at 4:37 pm. She was 6 lbs 7 oz and 19.5 inches. Everyone is doing well.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have returned to the frozen tundra (okay I know it is much colder in other places, but compared to the cruise I'm freezing). As I have looked through my photos it is hard to tell I went on a cruise. As Leslie and I reflected on the trip we decided that we may not be able to go on a cruise again unless it is with professional entertainment and not just cruise entertainment. We saw a ton of concerts and since the venues are so up close and personal we were closer than we could or would ever pay if the bands came to Kansas City. I will share some photos and what we enjoyed. (The photos are in no particular order)

Mandisa - You may recognize her from American Idol

Brandon Heath

Grand Turk Island. We went snorkeling in the ocean. I will tell you that due to the fact I had to take off my glasses I only saw movement in the ocean. We did have an underwater camera so when we get those developed I will see all the true beauty I saw that day.

Mac Powell - Third Day

Matthew West

This was our favorite Bass Player. He played with Matthew West and Brandon Heath so we got to see him a lot.

Denver and The Mile High Orchestra

Phil Joel - He has beautiful hair.

Margaritaville - we had lunch and a Margarita on Grand Turk Island.

Friday, January 16, 2009


So this week has been a bit out of the ordinary. I mean I have gone to work as normal every day. However things are changing there a bit. I found out this week that I will be going back to being and adjuster rather than an acting supervisor so I can focus on some tests I need to complete before I continue in the leadership program. There are a lot more reasons, but this is the easiest way to describe what is happening. After I complete the tests then we will discuss the next steps. So I know I told everyone I was moving, to be honest I have no idea what is going to happen with that. I may still be considered for the supervisor position in Wichita when everything pans out, but truly I have no idea. So for those in KC looks like you have to deal with me for quite a bit longer. To those in Wichita area sorry it doesn't appear I'm going to be spending as much time as I was there.

So on top of all this craziness my Grandma passed away early this morning. This was an expected passing, but nonetheless still a loss. We will miss her and her love for family. We are having the services on Wednesday in Liberty.

Then I will leave with my good friend Leslie on Wednesday evening for Miami. We will board a ship on Thursday and sail away. I am so in need of this time away from the office and reality. It will be good to refresh and rejuvenate a bit. The good thing about this type of vacation is that I we are totally disconnected from the outside world. There will be no cell phone (really my work one is the only one that drive me nuts), no computer, no TV (no fear I have the DVR set to record all the important shows), and it will be warm. We are going on the KLOVE Christian Music Cruise, we secretly think we will get to meet and hang out with some of the artists. I mean I have a connection to two of them (Matthew West went to KSU and Brandon Heath was/is roommates with a guy that I went to high school with) therefore we are practically best friends when you are trapped on a boat.

I hope you all have a great weekend and next week as I am separated from the world.