Friday, June 5, 2009

Great Night and Random Thoughts

So it was a perfect Friday night for me. I was craving chicken salad so I went to Panera and got a sandwich to go. I loaded up the blankets in the car with my book and headed to Shawnee Mission Park to eat, read, enjoy the weather and relax. It was amazing. I didn't last as long as I would have liked as there was a teenagers bday party that started near my location and they got a bit loud and annoying. So I then headed to run a couple of errands and now I'm back at home relaxing and considering bed after I post this, that would put me in bed before 10 on a Friday.

So on my drive to the park and while I was there I had many random thoughts. I was wishing I had my computer or at least a pen to write them down to share with you. Here is what I remember:
  • Why in the world are there random shoes on the side of the road? I mean where is the other shoe? How did that one shoe get there? I just have never understood this phenomenon.
  • Now that it is getting warmer outside and I have been on more roofs during the day I have been really desiring my own private pool to go to again. I realize most of you are like, "when did you ever have you own private pool?" While those in my family are saying "Yes, I would love to have Nanny and Grandaddy's pool to go to also." It would be so nice to come home and just relax by the pool and not have to worry about who might see me and how much I have to pack to take there.
  • Why is it so impossible to not pop a blister when you have one? Again this goes back to hot roofs. I have been forgetting to take my gloves on the roof and the shingles are so hot and I burn my hands and then I get a blister. So I messed with the one on my thumb all night until I couldn't resist and popped it. I know you wanted all those details.
  • I think I saw a stork (OK, really a crane of some sort) at Shawnee Mission Park. Random bird for me to see in KS I thought.
  • Speaking of birds, today as I was driving back to KC from St. Joe I saw a bird flying towards me and all of the sudden it hit my hood. I look in the rear view mirror and there it was laying in the road. Sad times for a bird. I even think it was a blue jay. Which makes it kinda ironic since our mascot in high school was the blue jay.
  • While I was working this week in Kansas City, KS I saw a bumper sticker that said "Kansas City, KS is not for amateurs!!"


tiff said...

Yay! Love the post. AND I've been to that park with you, so I can even imagine where you were. How relaxing and a great place for random thoughts. What a fun Friday night!

Anonymous said...

I Love this. This is what I like to see. Do this More! Yes the $10 blow up pool on my deck is just not the same as the Warm, secluded enjoyment we got fome nannie and granddady's. Someday I hope to have that again! I will share I promise!

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHHHH what I would give for those wonderful, peaceful, secluded days at nannies pool. Everything you want just inside the door and just those you like around you.
Great idea about the Park!! I sometimes do that on my back deck.
Good for you.
Love Aunt Martha

tiff said...

I was just looking at your sister's blog and saw the frame you painted. Very nice! It reminds of a shirt you used to wear in college. :)

Mary Margaret said...

It was a beautiful da Friday. I worked in the yard most of the day and never broke a sweat. My idea of a good time as you being outside. Try to remember your gloves - I don't want to have you seriously burn your hands.

Laura said...

Tiff - I don't remember which shirt you are speaking of, I'm sure I still own it as I haven't gotten rid of too many clothes.

Mom- I bought new gloves yesterday that fit me better so I will hopefully remember then as the won't hinder my work by being too big.

Michelle said...

Laura, the "ONE-SHOE question has always been perplexing to me. Actually, whenever I see one shoe on the side of the road, I can't help but laugh hysterically!!! Love your post!

Mendy said...

I saw the same KCK bumper sticker right after I accepted the teaching job in KCK! HA!

I saw a bumper sticker today that reminded me of those old "Ah, AH, Kansas!" commercials from the '80's. As I got closer I saw that had an outline of Kansas and said: "KANSAS... almost a rectangle." Hilarious. I think that bumper sticker fits with your random thoughts quite well.

Also, right now there is one shoe in the loading dock behind our neighborhood Dillons. I wonder how someone wouldn't notice losing a shoe.