Saturday, February 14, 2009

Will spring come and stay?

So I know I haven't really posted anything about my life in sometime, so here I am back to post some random thoughts and such. I hope you enjoy.
  • I'm sitting in the library and freezing cause the only tables with outlets next to them are right next to the windows. At least the ones I could find.
  • I'm getting back in the swing of working claims at work and not supervising. I was on 5 roofs this past week.
  • I'm kinda sick of the flip flopping of the weather. If it is going to be winter then stay winter or just let spring come and stay. I prefer the later.
  • Leslie and I have booked the cruise for next year. Can we go tomorrow?
  • I have been seeing and talking to some old friends a lot more recently and really enjoying the friendships we have maintained for many, many years.
  • I think I mentioned this before, but it has become even more apparent this week. I will not be moving to Wichita. At least not anytime that I can see. If I do it will be a very big surprise. Sorry for all the confusion. This has been really crazy and hard for me. As many of you know how I am and that I like a plan and to plan ahead. I have really learned to be flexible and patient in this time. So, it was good for me. I will say that I'm sad I won't be having a new beginning, I'm happy to stay here in KC with my family and friends.
  • Since I have been back climbing on roofs I have realized how out of shape I am. I forgot how much strength I needed in my legs to climb up the roofs.
  • As, I mentioned I'm sitting in the library. I recently looked up and saw that I'm sitting right near the following sections: Women, Minorities, Terrorism, Espionage and Personal Finance. I find it interesting all the sections are near each other. Even more interesting that we have a section for Terrorism. I mean are we teaching people how to be terrorists?
  • Going with the above topic have you seen the commercials for the Boarder Patrol reality show. I will be the first to admit I love reality shows, but seriously lets just show how the Boarder Patrol works. It is like when someone bombs a place they tell on the news how they made the bomb. OK off my soapbox.
  • I'm really looking forward to next weekend as I'm planning on seeing friends that have moved away and are going to be in town. Even if it will only be for short visits.
  • After watching 20/20 Children of the Mountains last night it made my heart break for all the kids and the poverty in Appalachia Mountains. We went there twice in high school on a mission trip and worked with the kids that lived in the coal mining areas. Those kids are some of the sweetest and are just happy to have life.

I guess that is all for now. I hope you all are doing well and have enjoyed my random thoughts and a couple of rants.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Mckenna was released from the hospital on Thursday afternoon. They are currently at my parents. Mckenna, Sara and Eric will head back to St. Louis on Friday evening. Mom will go that way with Troy early next week. Troy is doing very well with Mckenna and wants to help take care of her and make sure she is getting all she needs. He is very gentle with her and gives her kisses. Thanks for all of you support and prayers.