Thursday, July 23, 2009

Changes Ahead

I have been holding off on a post as I was hoping to post some exciting news. First of all I am on vacation all next week. It is the best kind of vacation, I'm going no where. I'm going to get some stuff done around the house and relax. Sara and the kids are in town so I will spend some time with them. Also Tiffany and Ryan are getting moved in this week so I plan to spend some time with her.

The biggest change is what is happening after my vacation. I have a new applied for and received a new position at Farmers. I will start on August 3. It is back in the office I came from when I transferred to the field. It will be a little different than what I did before, but I won't bore you with the details. I'm excited for some change and to be working in an office and off of roofs. There are some perks of my current job I'm going to miss such as: my laptop, company car, GPS, company paid internet at home. I'm excited as some of my good friends are still in that office so I will get to see them more often. As I will be back in the office I will have a more consistent schedule so I will make sure I bring my lunch so more control on what I eat. Also I won't be so exhausted at the end of the day so I will not dread exercising. One of my good friends is going to be in my training class so I'm excited about that also.

Things are looking up for me. I hope they are for you also.


tiff said...

Yay!! I'm so glad that you got the job for a lot of reasons. Can't wait to see you this week!

emcox said...

I'm so glad you and Tiff get to spend the week together. Have fun!

Mendy said...

congrats! no roofs! no burnt hands! yay!

Erika said...

Oh, praise the Lord for AC. Sooo glad for you!