Saturday, March 27, 2010

Random Thoughts from my Saturday - For you Entertainment

Well, once again I went out shopping this Saturday morning. Here are some of the people and things I encountered for your enjoyment.
  • I was at Kohl's and they were having "early bird" specials that were ending at 1 o'clock. So these two women, who based on their carts had been there since they opened at 6 AM. Were freaking out cause it was now 1 and they weren't done shopping. They were cutting in line to ask the cashiers if the sales stay in the computers after 1. I'm like seriously if you really needed the sales that you were wanting you should have gotten in line a long time ago.
  • I then went to Hallmark. As you all know most Hallmark stores are small and you can hear anything anyone is doing or saying across the store. Well, for Easter they have the rabbit stuffed animals that sing or talk or laugh or something totally obnoxious. Some wonderful Johnson County mother brought her elementary school age boys into the store. these rabbits are right when you walk in the door just asking to be played with by the kids. So the mom starts shopping and then kids begin and continue playing with the rabbits. I was about to hurt the kids. Then the mother begins to scream at the kids across the store to stop. I had to quit shopping and leave before there was an altercation with me and the kids.
  • Then I meander over to Target. The place was so busy there wasn't a cart to be had. I didn't really need anything, but was looking for some possible bday gifts. So I was wandering around and just got some great people watching done. My fave was when this little girl was skipping down the aisle and asked her dad why he wasn't walking like her. He was not amused and just said he wouldn't do it.
  • Oh my, I almost forgot the most entertaining part of my day. I went to Taco Bell for lunch. I go in to order and was standing there about a minute and finally this girl comes out from the office and asks if I have been helped. I tell her no and she takes my order. Then when I order the enchirito she tells me they are out of red sauce. I'm like, you are Taco Bell and red sauce goes on everything, how are you out of the stuff? She then tells me that is why she is in the back room trying to get another store to give some to her, but they are all selfish with their red sauce. Who knew it was such a hot commodity? So then after I change my order and I'm waiting for my food I see this random guy just having some really random conversation with a couple of women. I then notice after they all get their food the random guy sits next to another random woman and her teenage son and continues to talk their ear off while they are all eating. Needless to say, I find a table as far away from them as possible so the random guy won't decide to talk to me. While I'm eating I hear a guy come in and start asking about a certain burrito and the chic that was trying to find the red sauce is trying to explain to him how amazing this burrito is and what a great deal it is.

Well I hope that entertained you all for the day. I'm now getting ready to head to a greek restaurant for dinner for a friends bday. Always fun to go there, stuff your face and see the skinny belly dancers.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I just didn't really think of all my random thoughts the one about cheese would create so much entertainment. Well no worries, I no longer have to worry about cooking without cheese. There is one good reason I didn't spill any big news about the boy I was spending time with as it was very early. We have decided to move on our separate ways. We are really just in totally different places in our lives and the whole cheese thing you know.

So that is your 3rd update in a week from me.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Per Request

So I had a request for some random thoughts. I typically build up random thoughts and toss them all on the blog after I have many of them. Since I have not been thinking of them this could be interesting. I'm currently sitting in the office on a very snowy Saturday (aka the first day of spring). I'm literally watching the clock until I can leave.
  • As mentioned before...why in the world has winter not left. I'm so ready for warm weather and to quit having the heat on in my house.
  • So I'm not a big bball fan, but I can so easily get caught up in March Madness and seeing the underdog pull out a win. I don't fill out a bracket or anything of the sort. I just watch the scores and see who is winning.
  • I listen to my IPOD most of the day in one ear. Since I listen to it about 6 hours a day I have to change out the songs every few weeks. So currently I have some blasts from the past. I have quite a bit of Jennifer Knapp which makes me think of our great days in the Kearney House and miss my girls.
  • I sit near the spanish team here at work and there is a guy that is standing up and yelling at someone on the phone in spanish right now. Pretty annoying. Mendy where are you when I need you. Hence the reason I sit here with my IPOD in my ear.
  • Were down to only 45 more minutes here in the office.
  • I just don't totally understand how someone could not like cheese. Doesn't cheese make everything better?
  • I think I have said this before, but why could I lay in bed all morning on a work day, but when the weekend comes I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7 am. So annoying. Now I need a nap. (40 minutes to nap time)

Okay that is all I can pull out for now. That was not my best attempt. I will continue to think and provide more at a later date.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

About time for updates

Well I though it I should finally update you all on my life. I really don't have a lot to complain about. I got a promotion at work. I will start supervising effective April 1. This is the same position I held prior to going to the field to climb on roofs. I'm really excited to start superivising again. I really love being in this position and helping those on my team develop to bigger and better things.

It has been some time since I have seen many of you. Since October I have decided to get serious about my health. I have lost 25 lbs since then. I still have a long way to go, but I'm seeing progress.

I'm looking forward to some travels and weddings coming up this spring and summer. I'm going to take a weekend vaca in Wichita with the Classen's for Mike's wedding. I haven't been back in Wichita since I was traveling there all the time for work. I'm looking forward to the time with the Classen's and excited for Mike and Liz.

In July my close friend Leslie is getting married. I'm so happy for her and Michael also. They will be getting married here in KC.

Then right after that my mom and I will be traveling to Naples, FL for a long weekend of rest and relaxation. This is my Christmas and Bday present to her. I'm hoping to see some family friends while we are there that we haven't seen since I was a Freshman in high school.

This weekend has been a fun weekend spending time with many friends. My friend Katie has been in town the past couple of weekends from Goodland, KS. I love spending time with her, she helps keep me focused and understands a lot of what I struggle with in life.

Today I'm excited to have lunch with some of my former roommates from after college. We don't see each other enough and really need to cactch up. There is a lot of change in each of our lives.

I will be walking in the March of Dimes walk on May 1. For those of you that don't know March of Dimes raises money for premature babies and research. This cause is very close to my heart as both Troy and McKenna were premature and in the NICU when they were born. I'm trying to raise $400. If you would like to donate, any small amount would be appreciated, you can click on the box on the right of my blog.

I have also been spending time with an old friend from high school. (this friend happens to be a boy). Not too many details for you all now, just a teaser. We are really enjoying each others company and have fun together. I excited about the potential of the relationship. I will update more as it develops or undevelops.

How about ending on that note. Sorry to do that to all of you. You can beg all you want, but that is all you are getting for now.

I love and miss all of you that I don't see often.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March of Dimes

I will be walking in the March of Dimes walk for babies on May 1, 2010. I'm trying to raise $400. If you would like to make a donation you can go to my website to make th donation.

Thanks for any help.
