Friday, August 3, 2012

Settled and Refreshed

Well I am officially moved in to my new apartment.  There are so many things that have made me happy since I have been here.  I was able to have dinner last night with a dear friend and not have to worry about driving 30 min back home after we were done. We even talked about being able to meet up for a drink later in the evenings after she gets her kids to bed now that we are neighbors.  My shower curtain fell and I can't get it to stay up, in the past I would have had to figure this one out on my own, now I just put in a work order.  I went to the store today and saw my sister working and she told me my mom and nephew had just been in there also.  I have pretty much unpacked the necessities.  I need to still get some organizing done and finish the final touches, but it is feeling like home.  Once I get fully settled and decorated I will take photos and invite over company. 

I cooked my first meal in the house today, did 3 loads of laundry and I'm now watching TV on my new cable and using the computer on my new Wi-Fi.  Speaking of doing laundry, I don't have to carry any of it up or down stairs! The AT&T guy came back at 7 pm tonight just to make sure it was all working as he had to leave for a while as someone else had to fix an issue.  That is what I call service on a Friday evening. 

Now to get out of my place, get to the pool and meet some neighbors.