Friday, August 3, 2012

Settled and Refreshed

Well I am officially moved in to my new apartment.  There are so many things that have made me happy since I have been here.  I was able to have dinner last night with a dear friend and not have to worry about driving 30 min back home after we were done. We even talked about being able to meet up for a drink later in the evenings after she gets her kids to bed now that we are neighbors.  My shower curtain fell and I can't get it to stay up, in the past I would have had to figure this one out on my own, now I just put in a work order.  I went to the store today and saw my sister working and she told me my mom and nephew had just been in there also.  I have pretty much unpacked the necessities.  I need to still get some organizing done and finish the final touches, but it is feeling like home.  Once I get fully settled and decorated I will take photos and invite over company. 

I cooked my first meal in the house today, did 3 loads of laundry and I'm now watching TV on my new cable and using the computer on my new Wi-Fi.  Speaking of doing laundry, I don't have to carry any of it up or down stairs! The AT&T guy came back at 7 pm tonight just to make sure it was all working as he had to leave for a while as someone else had to fix an issue.  That is what I call service on a Friday evening. 

Now to get out of my place, get to the pool and meet some neighbors.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Movin' on up

So here goes nothing.  When I was with all the KG's in June I got the call that changed how the path of my life was going.  Here we are a month later and getting ready to close on the sale of my house.  This past month has been a crazy one.  I have decided I need an assistant cause selling a house is a full time job. 

As I read my last post I realize how much has changed.  I am no longer moving to Michigan, but I am moving up to northern KC near Liberty.  I have an apartment that is technically in Kansas City, but only about 10 min from my parents house in Liberty.  I'm so excited about the fresh start and apartment living.  I realized recently that I have not ever lived in an apartment complex.  Yes, there was the 4 -plex in college, but not an official complex.  I'm looking forward to hopefully making new friends and having access to a pool.  We aren't talking just any pool, this is a heated salt water pool that will be open year round.  Yes, a year round outdoor pool in Missouri.  I have a 2 bedroom apartment.  The apartment technically has more square footage than my house.  I will have 2 twin beds in my spare room, so feel free to come visit at any time.  I'm looking forward to the simplicity of apartment living.  I have a nice size patio and no neighbors above me.  Hopefully the neighbors next to me aren't as noisy as the ones in college (some of you will get this, sorry for those of you that don't).  As long as I don't have to leave notes on their door explaining what I hear every evening we are good. 

I will have to drive for work and I'm even looking forward to that time to wind down after work.  It will be about at 45 minute drive with traffic. 

On another note, I'm so excited for the Summer Olympics.  I have all next week off work and it will be hard to make myself get ready to move and not just sit and watch TV.  I'm going to move the majority of my furniture and boxes on Wednesday, but I will be leaving my TV and DVR box here at my current place until Friday as I won't have the new service being set up until Friday at my new place.  Sad I know. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Beginnings

I find it very ironic that my last post was titled "Restart." Little did I know what I really meant by restarting my life. At that time I had no idea where I was going to be heading this year. For those of you that haven't heard the full story here is how it all came about. I am planning to move to Grand Rapids, MI. Last November I knew we were going to have our first training class in MI to to expand our dept. Before they were even asking for volunteers I offered to go up there to assist with the training class. Shortly after this an email went out that they were needing people to transfer to MI to help with the growth there. I gave it some consideration and talked to the manager up there. It was one of those things that just all seemed to fall in place. There is no pressure. If I wanted to go it was my decision and in my timeline. I had also gotten the schedule for those going to assist with training and found out I would be there for 3 weeks to assist. What a better way to figure out if I like the office and the area. I talked to my family and some friends and had so much support. I was really excited about the opportunity. You all know me and know that change is not my favorite thing, but I just couldn't stop thinking how great it would be to just have a chance to "restart." I knew I already had some friends in MI that had moved there, so it wasn't like I was going to be moving and be alone. So my 3 weeks spent there I went with the mind frame of I'm planning to move unless there is something that just really tells me "no."

I'm realizing I'm just typing and not going in all the right order, I hope it doesn't get too confusing. So before I left for MI my family and I spent time getting my house ready to sell. Part of the deal of me moving with the company is they will provide everything to move me except selling my house. Which is fine as I will end up better in the end if i just sell it myself. So my house went on the market the first Monday I was in MI (Feb 26). We have reduced the price once, but I'm okay with that. I have been having the lookers I would like, we just need the one.

While I was in GR I just really loved the area. It reminded me of home. Everything you could want. Everything is close. We went to Lake Michigan one Saturday. It is only 30-45 min from GR. I see a Kearney Reunion on the Lake in our future. I really like the atmosphere of the office and the manager still was very understanding of how big of a move it is to come from KC and leave my family. He said still there is no pressure and in my time. I explained I'm ready to come just waiting for my house to sell. He even said if I changed my mind no hard feelings. I just keep remembering what a great place I'm in and how I couldn't have planned this better myself.

What has made this all easier is how supportive everyone has been. Yes, it is bittersweet. I have been having some of the best times recently with my family and friends, but I know they will still happen when I come visit. I also am excited to make new connections in GR.

So that is the story in nutshell. Thank you to everyone to being supportive and praying for me.
I do know that when I get an offer on my house everything is going to go very quickly. As when the offer is in I will make the call and all the relocation craziness will happen in swift movement. I'm assuming it will all be done in a month and half after we get the offer. So that will be a crazy time for me. As for right now, I hurry up and wait.

Love you all.