Monday, December 21, 2009

Much Anticipated Break

I have been looking forward to this week for at least a month if not longer. I have the week off from work and have no true plans prior to Christmas. I mean I have things I'm going to do, but they are fun and cause I want to do them. I have finished my Christmas shopping so I don't have to go shopping, but I have been going to a few stores here and there and just looking. If I find something I think I need I pick it up or I just leave. I have baked one loaf of banana bread and have a couple more to bake. Thanks to the fact that I'm notorious for buying bananas and not eating all of them before they get too ripe. My freezer is full of bananas. I'm going to spend time with friends just relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

I may be crazy but I will be helping two of my great friends, Sara and Kyle, by watching their girls on Wednesday Night. They have an 18 month old girls and twin girls that are just over 2 months. No fear I won't be there alone I will have back up. It is Sara's bday and a Christmas present for them to get out alone with no kids.

So the first half of my week is relaxing and doing my own thing when I want and how I want. The second half will be celebrating Christmas with the family. I will spend most of the weekend in Liberty. We will go to church on Christmas Eve service at my parents church in Liberty. I may go to service at my church prior to heading Liberty. Christmas day is going to low key for us. That morning we will have Christmas with my parents, Amy and me. Then we will head to my Aunts for the day with her family. Sara, Eric, Troy and McKenna will not come to Liberty until the evening of Christmas. So I think we will do Christmas with them on Saturday. Then Sunday we have a bday party for Troy in Liberty. Then back to work on Monday.

Since I got my claims under control before I left for vacation I'm hoping that after the holidays I won't have to work as long of hours. This could be a dream on my part, but things were starting to settle down for everyone before I left. So there is seeming to be a light at the end of our long tunnel.

On New Year's Day mom and I are going to drive to STL for the weekend to see everyone there for the weekend and celebrate Troy's bday again with his friends. Should be a fun trip.

Then I'm looking forward to the first week of February when I will get on a big boat again with my friend Leslie and go on a cruise. I'm pretty excited about this trip and the warmth that will come with the trip.

I hope you and your families have a Merry and Blessed Christmas.

1 comment:

tiff said...

Thank goodness my blog got it's act together finally! I'm very jealous of the big boat in your future. I'd love some lay out time right about now...not to mention fruity drinks, massages, good food, and a good book on a remote deck where no one can find us. You are going to have a fantastic time!!