Tuesday, March 10, 2009

May not be interesting to most of you

So I started this blog 5 minutes ago and just now started typing. I know I'm past due on an update but not sure what to write about. So as I sit here and flip between two reality shows I have decided that it seems to be that is all I watch these days. So, I'm thought I would enlighten you all as to what I watch and why I enjoy the shows. Really I'm doing this to help myself figure out what I watch and why and you all get to hear about them all. I will include shows that are on now and ones that may not be showing at this time, but I watch when they are showing. I'm sure I will forget some shows. I'm going to also make some confessions here that I never have before this time. Please don't hold it against me. Thanks to DVR I can watch these whenever I want and don't have stop my life for them. I will also say that on all the shows that you call into vote on I never vote.

The Amazing Race - This is one of my faves. What I love about it is there seems to be more of a challenge and a point to this show. I guess if you consider winning $1M a point. If I were more in shape I would love to be on this show as I love to travel.

Keeping up with the Kardashians - This is one of the confessions. This show is kinda like a train wreck you can't turn it off. This is one of the shows that makes me feel better about my life. I also enjoying seeing how much they love their family and stick up for each other.

The Bachelor/ette - So I know we are all sick of hearing about this past season, but I love this show. I think it has to do with being a girl and the little bit of romantic side I have in me. I guess I think I can live vicariously through these folks. I know I could never be on this show cause I don't share well (when it comes to dating) and I don't open up my feelings fast enough to make it very far.

Dancing with the Stars - This show is great to me. I love to see how they grow and learn over time. As most of you know me you know I have no rhythm so again living vicariously through others. I also really like it when some of my blast from the past celebrities are on the show. My faves are obviously 'NSync members.

Little People, Big World - If you don't know this show it is about a family that the parents are dwarfs and they have 3 average size children and one dwarf child. They are amazing for me to watch and see how they overcome challenges. It is also very entertaining.

Jon and Kate Plus 8 - I just love the kids on this show. They are so great. I also really enjoy Jon and Kate. I know some people don't like the way Jon and Kate argue or bicker in front of the camera and kids. I totally get what they do and their relationship is so real. I also don't believe they take anything they have for granted.

The Hills/The City - Okay these are another fave of mine. It is on MTV for those of you that are familiar with the shows. The drama is again like a train wreck that you can't quit watching. I hear the next season of The Hills is the final season and that is very sad to me. I'm going to miss Lauren and LO.

So as I'm writing this I realize this is turning out to be more revealing than I thought it was going to be when I first began. I mean I'm only through Monday and already to 9 shows if you count the combo shows.

The Biggest Loser - This show is so inspiring to me. I can't say that it has made me get off the couch and totally change my lifestyle yet, but I am more aware what is going on when the show is in season. I also realized I reached a whole new place in life when I was on the verge of being eligible to be on the show. I'm currently watching this as I type. Lots of drama tonight, but it was real.

American Idol - I will admit it has been hard for me to get into this season. I have been taping and FF through most of the episodes. We will see what it is like since we are finally down to the final 13 and the real competition begins.

Real Housewives of ... (many places) - I will say that Orange County is my fave of the 3 shows. I didn't watch much of Atlanta it was a bit over the top for me. Again not sure why I watch it, but I can't turn it off and can't miss it ever.

Top Chef - This past season just ended and I could be happier for Hosea to win. I think that this is my fave show of all the cooking contests shows I watch. The contestants seem a little more real and they focus on their cooking rather than running the restaurant.

America's Next Top Model - I missed the season premier last week. I think it is kinda interesting that I like this show since I'm not much of a shopper or model in any sort of the word.

Hell's Kitchen - I like this show also. Again I think I like it cause it seems to have a real goal to strive for at the end. They are competing to run a restaurant.

There are other shows that I watch that I can't remember what day they show as they aren't on currently.

Design Star - I like to watch this cause my mom and sister both watch it so we can watch it together if we are near each other or we can at least talk about the outcome. So a bonding time for us.

Project Runway - First of all I love to listen to Heidi Klum talk. Secondly, I love Tim Gunn. Lastly, it is just amazing to me that they can sew entire outfits. I still have to take my pants to mom my to hem them.

Sadly, I know there are probably other shows that I watch, but that is all I can think of at this time. Not really sure what the point of all this was, but I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my life. I also watch some other show regularly, but only 3 (Grey's, ER and Desperate Housewives.)


Anonymous said...

What about Big Brother? I am sure there are mor I will think of since many of these we watch together.

tiff said...

Yay! You're at the top! I'm glad you didn't give away biggest loser in your blog, cuz it's not on yet here. I like a lot of the same shows as you do and a few others that would be on my "confessions" list, and I think that I like them because there are things in life that I will never do or be and some of these shows offer insight into what that life would be like. It's all very intriguing. Good Blog!

Laura said...

I knew that I forgot some. I love Big Brother also. There are others shows I watch on Food Network, TLC and HGTV that I don't totally consider "reality" tv cause that is what those channels are about.

Michelle said...

This definitely is at the top of my "favorite blogs" list-by anyone. Very fun and a great glimpse into your life. LOVE IT!

Laura said...

Meesh - it is kinda a sad glimpse into my life.

Dr. Mike said...


It would take me a week to write down all the shows I watch and why, so good job! ANTM, AI, and HK are ones I never miss as well. FYI, I just decided about an hour ago that Alexis Grace is my current fave on AI. Also I don't feel bad about watching so much TV now with DVR. We can have a life and our tv too. :)

Michelle said...

Alexis Grace is my favorite, too, Mike...well...second favorite :)

Mendy said...

kirk's favorite part of biggest loser is at the end when we get to see the voted-out-person now, after massive weight losses.

i love the irony of watching biggest loser. i'm watching other people be active and lose weight. it's like watching the iron man triathlon for 5 hours straight, sitting on my couch, crying because it's so inspiring... instead of actually running or biking or swimming. hilarious!