Sunday, January 23, 2011


This week has been a lot of reflecting for me. I found out on Tuesday evening that a former high school and college classmate decided to take their life. This was not someone I was really close with, but we had mutual friends that were close. When I first heard the news I was just in shock. This person I always remembered with a smile on their face and a friend to everyone. Thanks to technology I learned very quickly that he had touched the lives of so many in our class. I went to the services yesterday and again, just amazing how many people were there to pay their respects to the family. Then after the services we had an impromptu high school reunion. It was so great to see after 15 years and such a tragic event we can all get together and put behind us all that happened in high school and just enjoy each other company.

So as I have been reflecting I have been trying to put my life in perspective. What is important? What is worth stressing over? When is it time to wave the white flag and ask for help?

Then at church today the service was focused on depression and how real it is and that being sad is true emotion and is okay. However we need to be aware of when our (or someone else's) sadness turns into depression. Then know it is imperative and okay to ask for help when/if you have reached that time and need help. Remembering that even Jesus wept (John 11:35).

So, I'm not really sure where I'm going with all this, just thought it was good to share. I hope you are able to spend some time this week putting life in perspective.

On a lighter note - I can not tell you how excited I am to go to Manhattan next week. I looking forward to a road trip with some dear friends. I know there will be many laughs, possibly some tears, and many memories made and remembered. So glad to have true friends in life that even if we don't see each other regularly we can just pick up where we left off when we do. Love you KG.