Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What day is it?

First of all, Tiffany am I at the top? I have certainly fallen behind in the updates lately. I can't say I haven't had my computer with me as I have it with me most of the time. However, I have been traveling so much that I don't even know what end is up. I have been going to to Wichita and it is in the plan to go there again on Sunday and be there for two weeks. However, with the impending hurricane I may be deployed to Texas. The final word will come later in the week as the storm gets closer. If I do go there is no word on how long I will be there. Could be there for up to 12 weeks.

I also spent this past weekend on vacation (pictures to be uploaded later as the camera is in the car). It was one of the most relaxing vacations I have had. I spend the weekend helping celebrate Tiffany's birthday in Port Ludlow outside of Seattle. We rented this 5000 square foot home with a view of the Pugent Sound. We only planned to go sailing, other than that we did nothing but relax and have fun. We played games, read, lauged, had some fruity beverages and laughed some more.

I am currently home and missing Chloe as she is staying with my parents. I am going to go up and get her tomorrow. I have one of my former youth kids that is going to come by and play with her while I'm gone.

I will upload photos soon, I promise.

1 comment:

tiff said...