Saturday, March 20, 2010

Per Request

So I had a request for some random thoughts. I typically build up random thoughts and toss them all on the blog after I have many of them. Since I have not been thinking of them this could be interesting. I'm currently sitting in the office on a very snowy Saturday (aka the first day of spring). I'm literally watching the clock until I can leave.
  • As mentioned before...why in the world has winter not left. I'm so ready for warm weather and to quit having the heat on in my house.
  • So I'm not a big bball fan, but I can so easily get caught up in March Madness and seeing the underdog pull out a win. I don't fill out a bracket or anything of the sort. I just watch the scores and see who is winning.
  • I listen to my IPOD most of the day in one ear. Since I listen to it about 6 hours a day I have to change out the songs every few weeks. So currently I have some blasts from the past. I have quite a bit of Jennifer Knapp which makes me think of our great days in the Kearney House and miss my girls.
  • I sit near the spanish team here at work and there is a guy that is standing up and yelling at someone on the phone in spanish right now. Pretty annoying. Mendy where are you when I need you. Hence the reason I sit here with my IPOD in my ear.
  • Were down to only 45 more minutes here in the office.
  • I just don't totally understand how someone could not like cheese. Doesn't cheese make everything better?
  • I think I have said this before, but why could I lay in bed all morning on a work day, but when the weekend comes I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7 am. So annoying. Now I need a nap. (40 minutes to nap time)

Okay that is all I can pull out for now. That was not my best attempt. I will continue to think and provide more at a later date.


tiff said...

Too bad you had to work on this beautiful day!

Erika said...

HOW can anyone not like cheese. Good question.

Laura said...

I know I really wanted to stay home on Saturday and just play outside in the warmth. ha ha.

I agree, cheese makes everthing better. I'm gonna have to learn to cook with out it I think.

Michelle said...

Jennifer Knapp makes me think of KG, too!

LOVE the cheese post :)

Anonymous said...

Cheese is a wonderful thing, Unless you are one of my kids then it is NOT fun for AnYONE!! I Love Cheese it Makes me Happy. I just ate some on crackers as a matter of fact!

Laura said...

I would have never guessed the cheese comment was the funniest of all my random thoughts. it is not going to be bad for me if i decide to start cooking without it.