Monday, December 26, 2011


I'm planning the restart to my new lifestyle. I was doing really well and then like most of the world fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago. I am still attending Weight Watchers and getting back to boxing after a few months off. I normally take this time of year to reflect on the year and where I have been and what I hope for in the next year. So this blog post is probably more for me than for others enjoyment. Besides, I'm pretty sure I have lost most of my followers.

This year has been one of changes. Not major changes, but as I stated before, lifestyle changes. I finally found a way to exercise that I enjoy, boxing. What I will never understand about this is that it is the hardest thing I have ever done as far as exercise goes. What I have learned is that is makes all the difference to be doing something that I feel confident doing and not feel bad about myself during the workout. Also have support from friends to encourage me to go and while I'm there. Just like in most disciplines having accountability is a necessity. So just knowing that a friend is expecting you to meet them there at 7 pm after work or at 9 am on a Saturday makes you want to be there for them and not let them down.

I also joined Weight Watchers in the spring. I have done WW before, but they have a new program now that make so much sense to me and makes it so easy to follow. (This doesn't mean I have been following it all the time). It has encouraged me to eat more fruit and veggies and to be aware of everything I do eat. I go to the meetings at work. I believe this makes all the difference in the world for me. As I'm attending meetings with those that I spend the majority of my week with, some of which I each lunch with. So again this goes back to accountability. I know this is going to sound crazy, but something that has made the difference for as far as tracking goes is technology. I have a WW app on my phone so no matter where I'm at I can track what I'm eating or calculate if it is worth the bite. As my leader tells us "If you bite it, your write it." I have learned to track even on the bad days. I have learned what I can eat at some of my favorite restaurants without blowing the day.

So what has been the result of all these changes? I have lost 23 lbs since the beginning of the year. I still have a lot to go, but I know I'm doing it the right way. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm also learning what to do so when I am done losing I won't just gain it back as I will continue eating the same foods. I'm learning now to enjoy foods I have never eaten before. I have a Spaghetti Squash baking in the oven as I type this. They tell me it can replace pasta. And even better it is 0 points alone.

I have also taken sometime this year to reflect on what is in my left that causes me more stress or anxiety that is not good or necessary. After 24 hours in the hospital for stress and anxiety you realize it is more than just something you should do, but need to do. As I look toward next year I'm only going to hold one office in a group outside of work. This is very exciting for me. I'm looking forward to getting involved in my church in ways that feed me and fulfill me as I give.

As I'm almost fully recovered from my hip surgery I am so excited to have that behind me and know that 10 years worth of pain is gone. Prior to this I honestly thought I was going to be in pain for the rest of my life.

As always I'm looking forward to my travels for 2012. Next year I will celebrate my 10 year anniversary at work. This means I earn 5 more days of vacation, which gives me 30 for the year. I am taking a long weekend with my mom and older sister in January to go to a place to scrapbook for the weekend. I am going on the annual KLOVE Cruise the first week of February. I will go to Grand Rapids, MI (AKA Frozen Tundra) for work for 3 weeks in February and March. There is a family reunion with my mom's side of the family in San Antonio in October. And we will see what else may happen.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

1 comment:

tiff said...

Yay! Good post! Welcome back to blogging. ;)