Monday, August 8, 2011

Fighting Discouragement

A quick update on my life

Well, for those of you that don't know I have been doing Weight Watchers for about 3 months. I have lost my first 5% of my weight. Trying to stay focused through the hot summer months has been challenging the past couple of weeks. I have decided having a great leader and going to meetings is what is helping me be successful. I also have some great support for my family and friends. I go to meetings at work, so I have the support at work also.

I have also been boxing since April. I am loving it. I love that I have found a type of exercise that I love and only have to do it 3-4 times a week and it is only an hour committment.

So here is where the discouragement comes in. As many of you know I have been having hip pain for many (over 8) years. They diagnosed me as having bursitis and basically was told I would just deal with the pain and hope that exercising would work the pain away. After I started boxing I thought it was getting better, however it has been worse for the last month or so. I finally went to the doctor and told him I was sick of being in pain every day of my life and I was too young. I have also lost some rotation of my hip. He decided we should do and MRI. I got the results today. I have a torn Labrum. This is the ligament that is between the top of my femur and bottom of the hip joint. Which is the exact area they thought I had the bursitis. So now I move on to a specialist. I plan to hopefully be able to just tell him that I'm sick of trying everything besides surgery and it hasn't worked. So I'm really just ready for surgery, even though I know this means I will have to stop boxing for some time.

Please pray that I'm able to keep my focus on getting healthy even through these bumps in the road.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Will definitely be praying. As if losing weight/exercising wasn't difficult enough! Oy vey! Love you, friend!