Sunday, April 3, 2011

What's that funk?

So overdue isn't any where near the right word to use for how long it has been since I posted to the blog. Since I last posted I have been on a cruise, to Vegas, to St. Louis and spent some time at home. So you would think I have a lot to say, but not sure that I do. I'm totally attacking this post with no idea about what is going to come out. So this may be more of something I should have kept to myself, but you all are lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to get to read it. I'm not even sure if anyone still checks this. This past week I was in a major funk. I think the funk has been building for a few weeks, but it hit the high point this week. Not sure how to really describe the funk, but I just was kinda grumpy and my patience was pretty much nil. I account it all to filling my life with so much that I haven't had time to breath. Besides work, I have been pretty busy with church stuff. I love my church and church family. We are currently in a big transition with our sanctuary under renovation and some additional areas in the church. As chair of the Christian Education board this puts me in charge additional items on top of our normal duties on the board. We also currently have an interim Pastor. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying him at the church. He really has made me think a lot and just reflect on my life. During Lent I have been going to a small group at his house with some others to just go deeper in to the sermon's and I have just really enjoyed the time. I spent last weekend in St. Louis. It was great to spend sometime with one of the college girls driving there. Just catching up and seeing where she is in her life. The most exciting part of the weekend was that we got to see our good friend David on Saturday, just 3 days after his double lung transplant. Talk about inspiration. The moments this week that my funk got the worst I just thought about him and realized my life isn't really so horrible, so I need to just suck it up. Then I spent some time with my family and the kids, prior to driving back to KC with my mom. Always enjoy spending time with them. The beginning of March I went on a spontaneous trip to Vegas with Tiffany. We walked a lot, saw a Cirque de Soilei show KA, ate and shopped. It was great to spend the time with her. I love having people in my life that I can be my true self all the time and they love me for me. And we can just pick up where we left off. We also played a lot of penny slots. Speaking of friends that you can just pick up where you left off it has been great to see some of the Kearney Girls more regularly. There are 4 of us living in the KC area now and we have been very intentional to keep the 3rd Saturday of the month to spend time with each other. Again great friends that love you for who you are and there for you any time. I'm also looking forward to seeing Katie next weekend. She keeps me grounded and understands so many of the struggles I have in my life. Such a great sounding board. She is one of those friends that you can just call and you don't have to leave a message cause you just wanted her to know you were thinking about her. We spend most weeks just playing phone tag, but we know we are thinking of each other. This week I have two things I'm really looking forward to. I'm going to Lawrence on Wednesday with my friend Kristi to go to a concert to hear Matt Wertz. He was in high school with us and is such a great singer. Look him up. Then Thursday is girls night to the theatre. We are going to see West Side Story. I'm so looking forward to the time with the girls and the show as I have never seen it. Let's see what else? Oh yes, the cruise. I had a great time with a new cruising friend, Linda. Another great friend. The new stop we added this year was Key West. I loved Key West and look forward to going back next year. We already booked for next year. So you would think I had traveled enough this year, but I have a few more trips in me. I will be going to Wichita in May to visit Mike and Liz (and to get Tiffany a Cranky Turkey Sandwich). Then I believe this summer Katie and I will be traveling to Colorado for a relaxing time together. So please keep me in your prayers as I'm attempting to get out of my funk. I think the final straw this week was a visit to the doctor at which time he decided to put me on blood pressure meds. Yes this was the kick in the butt I really needed to get going in the right direction. Also my hip that has been giving my issues for over 10 years is now hurting more than ever. We may have to do an MRI and not sure what is going to come from that, but not looking forward to it. Thanks for listening (reading).


Laura said...

So I have edited this many times so it doesn't look like one big paragraph. Sorry not working. I realize it looks horribly annoying to read with no breaks. At least I used punctuation

tiff said...

Thanks for sharing all of that! I am really looking forward to our Wichita weekend and seeing you this week for Westside Story!! I hope you can figure out whatever it is the funk is trying to tell you. Love you!

Michelle said...

Laura, I love when you just sit down and type! They are my favorite kinds of your blogs!

Wichita weekend! I wanna go with you guys sometime on a Wichita weekend!

Mary Margaret said...

Laura- love you so much and so understand "funk" - sounds like you are doing a good job working through this one - you have wonderful friends and that is so important and of coure you know your family loves you dearly - take care - :)

Erika said...

I love you even when you're funky. :)